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Membership Agreement

Japan Association of Life Organizers Membership Rules and Regulations

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose of Activities, etc.)

1 The Japan Association of Life Organizers (hereafter referred to as “the Association”) promotes the concept of “organizing” (effectively preparing, planning, and arranging all things, including one’s home, life, work, and life), fosters Life Organizers®, who are professional human resources to promote this concept and conducts research and development of organizing techniques. The purpose of its activities is to contribute to the improvement of the healthy social life of the people of Japan and to the creation of affluent and high-quality living spaces, mainly in residences, by researching and developing various organizing techniques.

 A Life Organizer® is a professional who provides consulting-based tidying support services that start with a full-fledged organization of thoughts and is a personal trainer for improving one’s lifestyle.

2 In order to achieve the objectives of the activities described in the preceding paragraph, the Association invites regular members, associate members, corporate members, and supporting members (hereinafter collectively referred to as “members”) to form a membership organization.

3 With the association philosophy of “Easier, Easier Living,” our mission is to support the creation of comfortable living (=life) that does not start with throwing things away through life organizing.

Article 2 (Scope of this Agreement)

 These Terms and Conditions apply to all actions taken by those who join the Association as members of the Association.

Chapter 2 Membership

Article 3 (Membership)

Any person who satisfies the following conditions shall be eligible for membership in each of the following categories.

(1) Regular members

 Individuals who hold the Life Organizer Level 1 certification issued by the Association and whose scope of activities is, in principle, within Japan.

be just about to

(2) Associate Members

 Individuals who hold the Life Organizer Level 2 certification issued by the Association and who agree with the objectives of the Association’s activities, and

 Persons approved by the Association’s Board of Directors

(3) Corporate members

The company is staffed by a person who holds a Life Organizer Level 1 certificate issued by the Association and who supports the objectives of the Association’s activities.

A corporation that is a member of the same Association and has been approved by the Association’s board of directors

If the representative of the corporation holds the Life Organizer Level 1 certification, the corporate member must be a regular member and

there shall also be

*No need to renew regular membership as an individual unless you resign as a corporate representative.

(4) Supporting members

The company is staffed by a person who holds a Life Organizer Level 2 certificate issued by the Association and who supports the objectives of the Association’s activities.

A corporation that is a member of the same Association and has been approved by the Association’s board of directors

(5) International members

Individuals who hold the Life Organizer Level 1 certification issued by the Association and who, in principle, are foreign nationals, reside outside of Japan, and whose scope of activities is outside of Japan.

Note: A member of the Association is not an employee in a general incorporated association. Since they do not have voting rights at general meetings of members, they cannot exercise various rights related to the management of the Association (appointment and dismissal of directors, reporting of financial statements, etc.).

Article 4 (Admission)

If you fulfill all of the following requirements, you shall become a member of the Association, and a membership contract shall be established between you and the Association.

(1) The applicant must have applied for membership in accordance with the Association’s prescribed application procedures and have been approved by the Association.

(2) The admission fee and annual membership fee have been paid by the deadline specified by the Association.

(3) You agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Article 5 (Disapproval of Admission)

 The Association may not approve membership for any of the following reasons.

(1) Any false statement, misdescription, or omission in the information declared on the application form for membership (or the application form for the Level 1 Certificate of Eligibility for regular members).

 In the event of any defects or other deficiencies

(2) If your membership has ever been revoked by the Association in the past

(3) If the Association determines that there are other reasons why it is inappropriate to enter into a membership agreement.

Article 6 (Payment of Membership Fees, etc.)

1 The amount of the admission fee and annual membership fee (hereinafter referred to as “membership fee, etc.”) shall be the amount specified in each of the following items.

(1) Regular members

Admission fee: 16,500 yen (Non-taxable)

 Annual membership fee: 16,500 yen (Non-taxable), monthly installments for mid-course enrollment

 Re-enrollment fee for re-enrollment after withdrawal: 22,000 yen (Non-taxable), subject to separate screening.

 *Downgrading to associate membership after registration as a regular member is not allowed.

(2) Associate Members

 Admission fee: 16,500 yen (Non-taxable)

 Annual membership fee of 9,900 yen(Non-taxable)

(3) Corporate members

 Admission fee:110,000 yen(Non-taxable)

 Annual membership fee 85,800 yen(Non-taxable), 7,150yen per month (one-time payment only)

(4) Supporting members

 Admission fee:110,000 yen (Non-taxable)

 Annual membership fee:46,200 yen(Non-taxable), 3,850 yen per month (one-time payment only)

(5) International members

Admission fee: 16,500 yen(Non-taxable)

 Annual membership fee: 16,500 yen (Non-taxable), monthly installments for mid-course enrollment

The re-joining fee is 22,000 yen (Non-taxable) for those who re-join after having withdrawn from the membership, subject to separate screening.

 *Downgrading to associate membership after registration as a regular member is not allowed.

2 Admission fee and annual membership fee must be paid in a lump sum at the time of admission, and the annual membership fee, in the case of midway admission, must be paid in monthly installments. (There is no pro-rating.) Membership renewal is from December of each year until the end of January of the following year. In case of admission after December, the membership fee for the following fiscal year must also be paid.

3 The admission fee and annual membership fee shall be paid by wire transfer to the Association’s bank account separately designated by the Association.

(Credit card payment is accepted for the early renewal period only; credit card payment is only for International Members)

Article 7 (Refund of Membership Fees, etc.)

 Membership fees already paid by members will not be refunded for any reason whatsoever.

Article 8 (Expiration Date)

 The term of the membership contract shall be from April 1 of each year until March 31 of the following year (the first year of membership shall be from the date of admission until the earliest March 31 of the following year), and if all of the following items are met, the term shall be considered renewed for one more term and the same shall apply thereafter.

(1) The annual membership fee, according to Article 6, has been paid on time, and the prescribed registration procedures have been completed on time.

(2) The applicant has not received a notice of non-renewal of the membership contract from the Association.

(3) Not to violate these Terms and Conditions.

Article 9 (Notification of Change)

1 Members are required to notify the Association within two weeks of any change in their name, address, contact information, or other information reported to the Association.

 (Please submit changes through the “Various Applications” section of the members-only website (https://www.jalomembers.com/).

2 The Association shall not be liable for any disadvantage caused by the member’s failure to give the notice described in the preceding paragraph.

Article 10 (Succession of Membership)

1 In the event of a member’s resignation or death, the member’s membership shall be forfeited.

2 Membership status cannot be transferred to any third party.

Article 11 (Adjournment)

 A member may take a self-suspension (for a maximum of one fiscal year) only at the time of membership renewal by notifying the Association of the self-suspension in the manner prescribed by the Association. During the year of self-suspension, the member will not be entitled to all membership privileges. Membership will be reinstated only at the time of membership renewal for the following year. If there is no notice of reinstatement at the time of renewal, the membership will be automatically canceled.

Article 12 (Withdrawal from Membership)

 A member may withdraw from membership by giving notice of withdrawal in the manner prescribed by the Association at least one month prior to the date of withdrawal. (Please send an e-mail to jimukyoku@jalo.jp with the request to withdraw from membership.) Membership fees are not refundable, even in the middle of a fiscal year. In addition, if a member does not renew his/her membership at the time of renewal, the membership will be canceled regardless of the reason. Upon termination of membership, the member will forfeit membership, Life Organizer status, and other qualifications.

Article 13 (Revocation of membership)

 If the Association recognizes that a member falls under any of the following items, the Association may terminate this membership agreement and deprive the member of membership and any other qualifications the member has acquired (hereinafter referred to as “revocation of membership”). The Association shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the member as a result of such action, and the membership fee shall not be refunded, even if it is paid in the middle of a fiscal year.

(1) When the Association recognizes that there has been an act that seriously injures the Association’s reputation or damages the dignity of the Association’s members

(2) If you conduct your own commercial activities for members that are not related to the activities of the Association without the Association’s permission

(3) If you engage in any activity (including consulting services) in competition with the Association without the Association’s permission

(4) Risk of leakage of our knowledge, methods, know-how, strategies, or other information without our permission

(so-called association business and entrepreneurship, management, and entrepreneurial consulting)

(including operations).

(5) In the event of any act that infringes on the Association’s copyrights, trademarks, or other rights without the Association’s permission.

(6) If a trademark application similar to the Association’s registered trademark is filed without the Association’s permission

(7) When there is false information in the member’s information registered with the Association

(8) When the Association recognizes that the person has slandered or defamed the Association or its stakeholders.

(9) If the applicant adversely affects the Association’s business activities by obstructing the Association’s business activities or otherwise.

(10) If you solicit any third party, including other Members, to engage in multi-level marketing, network marketing, or other chain sales transactions or to engage in religious or other activities (including any conduct that could be considered as such solicitation)

(11) In the event that a member commits an act against a third party, including other members, in violation of the SF Commercial Code, the Seminar Commercial Code, or other laws and regulations, including the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions.

(12) In the event of conduct that offends the law or public order and morals

(13) In the event of a violation of these Terms and Conditions or any other terms and conditions stipulated by the Association.

(14) In the event of any other reasonable cause that the Association deems inappropriate for membership.

Article 14 (Obligations of Members after Resignation or Cancellation of Membership)

1 Those who have lost their membership due to withdrawal or revocation of membership in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two articles shall assume the obligations specified in the following items.

(1) If you are in possession of any of the Association’s works, trademarks, logos, or other contents of the Association (including the case where you are a Tutor Qualification Holder and you own the Association’s works), you must immediately return them to the Association. (1) If you possess any of the Association’s copyrighted works, trademarks, logos, or other contents of the Association (including cases where you are a Tutor Qualification holder and own the Association’s copyrighted works), you must immediately return them to the Association and must not use, provide or divulge said contents to any third party.

(2) Do not engage in any of the following acts

a. Dissemination of information or activities as a life organizer

b. Transmitting information or engaging in activities that may mislead people into believing that you are a qualified life organizer or a member of the Association.

c. To perform acts stipulated as the rights of members in Article 15.

d. Use of the Association’s contents or provision or leakage of the Association’s contents to third parties

(e) Conducting acts falling under any of Items 1, 4 through 6, and 8 through 14 of the preceding article.

2 Those who have lost their membership due to the revocation of membership in accordance with the preceding article or those who have violated the second item of the preceding paragraph shall not disseminate information about their membership in the Association or their membership as a Life Organizer.

3 Any person who violates any of the obligations set forth in the preceding two paragraphs shall be liable to compensate the Association for any and all damages incurred by the Association as a result of such violation.

Chapter 3 Rights of Members

Article 15 (Rights)

(1) Regular members shall have the following rights

(1) The right to call yourself a life organizer and engage in commercial activities

Subscription to a biannual newsletter

Subscription to monthly e-mail magazine for members

④Browsing member sites

(5) Participation in a community (SNS) open only to regular members

(6) Free listing on the Life Organizer introduction page of the MISHOP website

(vii) Participation in skill improvement seminars and various other seminars that only regular members can attend

8) Granting the right to use the Japan Association of Life Organizers (JALO) logo

⑨Participation in the JALO Conference

(11) Right to purchase educational materials and kits to help you in your work as a life organizer

Participation in ⑫Operating rights to on-site training (participation conditions apply)

⑬Participation in regional chapters

(iv) Other rights as separately determined by the Association.

(2) Associate Members shall have the following rights

(1) Subscription to a biannual newsletter

(2) Subscription to monthly e-mail magazine for members

(3) Browsing member sites

4) Right to participate in the JALO Conference

(v) Other rights as separately determined by the Association

(3) Corporate Members shall have the following rights

(1) Subscription to a biannual newsletter

(2) Subscription to monthly e-mail magazine for members

(iii) Introduction to regular members (company and product information, etc.) in the above newsletters, e-mail newsletters, and SNS

④Browsing member sites

(5) Right to conduct interviews and surveys of regular members and to introduce their products (prior permission must be obtained from the head office of the Association)

(6) Free listing on the corporate member introduction page of the MISHOP website

(vii) Right to hold seminars for regular members, such as product information, etc. (prior permission must be applied to MISHOP headquarters)

8) Granting the right to use the Japan Association of Life Organizers (JALO) logo

⑨Participation in the JALO Conference

(10) Preferential sales of organizing supplies, etc., to regular members (prior permission application to MISHOP headquarters required)

Booth exhibiting rights at (11) conferences and other events hosted by the Association (for a fee)

(12) Other rights as separately determined by the Association

(4) Supporting members shall have the following rights

(1) Subscription to a biannual newsletter

(2) Subscription to monthly e-mail magazine for members

(iii) Introduction to regular members (company and product information, etc.) in the above newsletters, e-mail newsletters, and SNS

(4) Free listing on the MISHOP website’s Supporting Member introduction page

(5) Right to hold seminars for regular members to introduce products, etc. (prior application to MISHOP headquarters required)

(6) Granting the right to use the Japan Association of Life Organizers (JALO) logo

(7) Participation rights to the JALO Conference

(8) Preferential sales of organizing supplies, etc., to regular members (prior permission must be applied to the head office of the Association)

(9) Booth exhibiting rights at conferences and other events hosted by the Association (for a fee)

(10) Other rights as separately determined by the Association

(5) International Members shall have the following rights

(1) The right to call yourself a life organizer and engage in commercial activities

(2) Subscription to the biannual newsletter (Japanese and e-book)

Subscription to monthly e-mail magazine for members (in Japanese)

④Browsing member sites (Japanese)

(5) Participation in a community (SNS) open only to regular members

(6) Free listing on the Life Organizer introduction page of the MISHOP website

(vii) Granting the right to use the Japan Association of Life Organizers (JALO) logo

8) Conference participation rights

(ix) Other rights as separately determined by the Association

Chapter 4 Other

Article 16 (Copyright)

1 All copyrights to the works produced by the Association belong to the Association.

2 It is prohibited to reproduce, edit, process, transmit, sell, publish, or otherwise use the works provided by the Association for purposes other than those permitted by the Association in advance without the Association’s prior written consent.

Article 17 (Confidentiality)

1 Members shall treat the Association’s proprietary technical, business, and other business information (“Confidential Information”) disclosed by the Association as confidential during the term of validity of the Membership Agreement and for two years after the termination of the Membership Agreement, and shall not use or disclose such information to any third party.

2 When disclosing confidential information disclosed by the Association to its own employees or other persons within the company (hereinafter referred to as “Employees, etc.” in this article), the member may disclose the confidential information only to those persons who need to know the confidential information and only to the extent necessary to do so. In such a case, the member shall ensure that the employee, etc. complies with the same obligations as the member under this Agreement and shall be fully responsible for the conduct of the employee, etc.

3 If the Association becomes aware of any breach of the obligations in the preceding paragraph by any employee of a member, the Association may immediately demand that JQA or JQA’s employee take the necessary measures to correct such breach.

Article 18 (Prohibition of Competition)

During the term of the membership agreement and for a period of two years after the termination of the membership agreement, a member shall not engage in the same or similar business as the Association’s business in his/her own name or in the name of a third party, shall not assume the position of an officer or employee of a third party engaged in the same or similar business as the Association’s business, except with the prior written consent of the Association, and shall provide any services to such third party in its own name or in the name of a third party.

Article 19 (Personal Information)

In the following cases, the Association may use or provide to a third party the personal information indicated in the membership application and renewal submission documents.

(1) When used in connection with the Association’s activities

(2) In accordance with laws and regulations

(3) When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual

(4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to perform a task prescribed by law.

Article 20 (Exemption from Liability and Compensation for Damages)

1 Members shall decide at their own discretion whether or not and how to use materials and information obtained in connection with the Association’s activities, and the Association shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the member or any third party as a result of such decisions.

2 Even if the Association is liable for damages to a member, regardless of the cause, the Association shall not be liable for indirect damages, special damages, lost profits, claims from third parties, or damages based on negligence, regardless of whether or not the Association foresees such damages.

3 Even after a member loses his/her membership due to withdrawal, expulsion, etc., the provisions of this article shall continue to be in effect for that member.

4 The member shall be obliged to compensate the Association for any damage caused intentionally or through negligence.

Article 21 (Additions and Changes to the Terms and Conditions)

 The Association may change all or part of the Terms and Conditions and the regulations accompanying the Terms and Conditions based on a decision by the Board of Directors. Any changes made by the Association shall become effective upon posting on the members-only page of the Association’s website, and members shall thereafter be bound by such changed Terms and Conditions.

Article 22 (Invalidity of Clauses, etc.)

 If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or invalid, the validity of this Agreement other than such provision shall not be affected.

Article 23 (Jurisdiction over Litigation)

 The Utsunomiya District Court shall be the court of jurisdiction in the event that a lawsuit is necessary in connection with these Terms and Conditions.

Article 24 (Matters to be discussed)

 In the event of any dispute concerning the contents of this Agreement or any matter not stipulated herein, the parties shall cooperate in accordance with the principle of good faith and faith.

The parties shall attempt to resolve the issue smoothly through discussion.

Last revision: December 1, 2023

Copyright 2008-2024 Japan Association of Life Organizers. All Rights Reserved.